We provide the most accurate testing that is available.
Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) for screening and highly sensitive Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry (UPLC/MS/MS) for confirmation of results to get you the facts you need.
Why Conduct A Drug Screen?
Subjective Screening for Abuse and Diversion is Ineffective:
Psychological screening fails to identify abusers.
Physician’s clinical acumen fails to identify diverters.
Diverters and addicts actively alter test results.
Point of Care Test and Immunoassay Alone are Inadequate:
POCT and IA identify drug class only, not the drug.
Screening cut off limits may miss positive results.
Patient Physiologic/Disease States Interfere with POCT/IA:
Diabetes Mellitus
Liver Disease
Toxin Ingestion
Why Drug Confirmation?
So you can identify and avoid substance misuse, abuse and diversion.
Ensure the donor is taking the medicine you prescribed.
Ensure the donor is not using illicit or non-prescribed drugs that put safety at risk while taking your prescription.
As part of a larger Adherence Monitoring or Prescription Monitoring program.
Satisfy legal and regulatory requirements.
Adhere to current “standards of care” for people receiving scheduled medications.
Multiple Substances can Interfere with POCT and IA.
Universal Screening with Confirmation is Recommended.
POCT and IA require Confirmation Testing for Best Patient and Physician Treatment Outcomes.